An effective way to understand what food to buy when shopping it is very useful to be able to read the label on the food item. Many people purchase food items without giving it a second thought as to what they really are buying, and all the answers are in the labels. If you are one of those people who need some helpful tips on how to shop smart for a healthier you, and to be able to read with understanding the Nutritional food labels than please read along! One key starter point one should consider first I will share with you today.
There are many food jargon's on labels so this is the first main point. Don't be fooled by these and go by the serving size alone on the labels; these labels such as per serving and serving size that are used in the Food Pyramid and also in Nutritional Labels. Just remember to focus out side of those terms used because they are in almost all food labels. Focus on the per serving information that is on the food label such as, saturated fat, fat, cholesterol, sodium, fiber, and others on the food label.
Here i s a helpful video on the topic:
Video Link
Here i s a helpful video on the topic:
Video Link
Check out the top of each food item you have selected and observe the serving size amount. This amount is according to the food manufacturer and the general stats of how much people eat per serving of that product, and not a nutritional suggested "Serving Size" for weight loss. Where to really look when focusing on dietary purposes of a food label is then for the listing according to that serving size below.
If 5 saltine crackers is a serving size and there are 20 calories in each cracker, and you consume one serving size; this will total 100 calories in just one serving size.
Some common serving sizes could be 1 tablespoon or 1 cup for food content such as salt and sugar.Per serving could also be listed as grams as well; a good example would be cereal for this measurement. A pie or cake maybe measured in fractions such as 1/8 slice is equal to one serving size.
Be careful in considering the serving size because it will be defined loosely. The manufacturer may try to fool the consumer by making the serving size smaller in order to make the food seem more healthy than it really is. The equation must be multiplying the servings listed in the label by the calorie and fat values in order to find the true nutritional values.
In conclusion I hope this information will be helpful at your next grocery hunt when choosing a healthier lifestyle and being more self conscious of the food being bought.
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